Hey friends,
I am using other outlets for creativity.
Please stay in touch via Instagram, visit my Etsy shop, and keep up on Facebook.
I’d love to go crazy together!

Hey friends,
I am using other outlets for creativity.
Please stay in touch via Instagram, visit my Etsy shop, and keep up on Facebook.
I’d love to go crazy together!
We just got back from a two-week trip traveling through Spain with our 2 1/2 year old daughter. I know, poor me. But in the true spirit of being Committed, it did get a little crazy.
I loved the trip. The architecture was amazing, the culture is admirable (drinking and eating all the time! Siestas!) The wine was cheap and delicious. Oh, the food…
The kiddo was a handful. She may read this years down the line, so I don’t want her to feel like I’m putting her down. It wasn’t her fault–the 9 hour time difference was rough on all of us. And she’s 2 1/2, which means discovering strong preferences, a desire for instant perfection (well, we never outgrow that, do we?), and just general upsettedness at basically everything. We thought her familiarity with travel might make things easier, which it probably did (but didn’t feel like it at the time).
For this post, I’m going to focus on how we handled the tears and tantrums. (HINT: Wine. Lots of wine.)
We learned a few things on this trip, lessons that weren’t too unexpected:
My husband and I are social folk, and we agreed before our daughter was born that we’d do our best to keep our friends! Parenthood has a reputation for decimating a social life, and that wasn’t an option for us!
While we have playdates, take Stroller Strides classes, and we have a wonderful PEPS group, I have an amazing group of friends who do not have children.
Luckily, they have created a few recurring gatherings over the years that successfully get the 2 (or 3!) of us out of the house. Here are a few of the outings. Most are free or cheap, and a great excuse to get together! Continue reading “Keeping up with the Kidless” →