Before Pinterest, I was bookmarking every single design and illustration site that I found interesting. It’s still nice to go through the list, randomly pick a link, and be instantly inspired by what pops up. Today’s random link led me to this:

In a world of Photoshop and other digital tools, it’s really nice to see some handcrafted work.
Jayme McGowan has a beautiful illustration style punctuated by incredible craftsmanship.
Here are a couple of her images from her Etsy shop:
Jared Andrew Schorr
Jared Andrew Schorr is another illustrator I’ve been following for a while. He has a wonderful whimsical style, and again, it’s all hand-cut paper. Lovely!
This style is inSANE! The level of detail she can get with an Xacto knife is mind-blowing. Check out a few of these beauties: