Maintain, Don’t Gain Holiday Challenge 2015

Healthy Holidays | Maintain Don't Gain Holiday Challenge 2015

I’m noticing a bunch of traffic to my 2013 Challenge, which means it’s that time again!

Yes, it’s the Maintain, Don’t Gain Holiday Challenge, 2015 Edition!

Beginning November 30th, I’m giving you weekly challenges to conquer the holiday temptations and to maintain your health and weight through the season. Final weigh-in is on JANUARY 11, 2016.

Melting Snowmen Cookies
You might feel like this after a hectic holiday season. Melting Snowmen Cookies via

Every year, I gained weight during the holidays. Some years, it was ridiculous (yes, 14 pounds in 12 days. I did that.) I became so sick of it because DAMNIT, I worked so hard all year long, then totally blew it in the span of a few weeks. My friend and I started a challenge about 7 years ago: to maintain our weight throughout the holiday season. I think trying to LOSE weight over the holidays is unrealistic, so this challenge is designed to force you to embrace ONE healthy habit every week despite being surrounded by indulgences. Every year I’ve done it, I’ve actually lost weight between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. It’s pretty simple, but not necessarily easy. Now that I have 2 kids, I’ve put myself on the back burner. Until now. Though we use weight as a measurement tool, this challenge is about HEALTH. Focus on one HEALTHY HABIT just for YOU each week. Yes, you’ll have major obligations, family demands, cookie swaps, and late-night gift wrapping sessions. So it will be easy to say, “I’ll get to myself in the New Year.” Please don’t wait, mamas. Keep your energy, your vitality, and your spirits up by doing this for yourself this year!

You can do this alone, or with friends, family, and coworkers. We’re getting a later start this year, but I’m carrying the challenge through the week after New Year’s to give you a chance to keep those good habits you’ve established beyond the holidays!


1) First, download the pdf & print it out so you can track your activity and progress. Post it somewhere you’ll use it! (Bathroom mirror, at your desk, on the fridge!)

Healthy Holidays | Maintain Don't Gain Holiday Challenge 2015

2) Read it over and COMMIT. Decide how you’ll reward yourself when you complete the overall challenge. Completing the challenge means that you’ve (a) maintained your weight, and (b) completed the weekly challenges. Great rewards are: a massage, new running shoes, a movie, new jeans, or other activity that makes you feel great and keeps you motivated!

3) Weigh yourself on Mondays (starting November 30th), and track your activity or food challenge.

3) Subscribe to this blog, “Like” the Committed Facebook page, and follow me on Instagram (@committedmoms) to keep up & stay motivated. I’ll be playing along too!

4) I will not be posting weight, and you won’t need to either! But I’d love to hear what was difficult for you that week, and what you’re facing the following week (holiday potluck, company party, happy hour, travel, family visits, etc). Commiserating helps keep things going! Post your progress or challenges using the hashtag #MaintainDontGain

***Week 1 starts on Monday, November 30th. The week’s challenge is to be sure to get 5 x 30-minute sessions of sustained activity. Know your limits, say «no thanks» to seconds, and schedule 5 workouts this week. This can be walking, running (inside or outside), weight lifting, pilates, HIIT, dancing, heavy-duty house work, anything that gets your heart rate up for at least 30 minutes. Get a head start and mark your workout days at the beginning of the week.***

So please share: why is it important to YOU to maintain your health over the holidays? What will your reward be?


Please note: I am not a health professional. I am not a trainer or dietician. I am a fitness enthusiast. If you embark on a new fitness or diet regimen, please consult your doctor and pay attention to your body and health. This is a social challenge to encourage health and fitness through the holidays. Your choice to participate is not the responsibility of Committed LLC. 

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