Generally speaking, it’s not that hard for me to satisfy cravings. I’ve accepted the gluten-free requirement, and have found some lovely replacements and tricks for things that I really really really want. Except. Cookie dough. I miss gooey, yummy chocolate chip cookies, and now that I can’t eat the raw eggs safely, I REALLY MISS chocolate chip cookie dough.
So as I was browsing Instagram today, I saw a tasty-looking photo from MindOverMunch, and decided to check out the recipe. And OMG, it’s egg-free, and gluten-free, and requires no special ingredients or equipment! So I tried it, and damn. It’s tasty. So I’ll share with you!

All you need:
- 4 oz Greek Yogurt (I use Chobani or Fage, since they don’t contain any added corn syrup or sweeteners)
- 1 TBSP natural peanut butter
- 1 1/2 tsp honey
- 1/8 tsp vanilla
- pinch of sea salt
- 2 tsp of chocolate chips
Simply mix it all together (easiest to do the first 5 ingredients first, then drop in the chips at the end) and enjoy!

I had mine for lunch and rounded it off with a bunch of watermelon slices (another craving…mmmm).

What were or are some of your biggest cravings?