In the past couple of weeks, I’ve had several friends give birth to their second babe. In addition to making me nostalgic and teary-eyed, it reminded me how tough those early days can be. Back when kiddo was a newbie, I couldn’t remember anything. My brain was lumpy oatmeal. The feed-every-3-hours regime for the first few weeks was brutal, and that level of sleeplessness exceeded anything I’d ever experienced, even in during final exams in college! So once my head cleared, I realized things could be better if I got my sh*t together.
When we needed to leave the house for the inevitable doctor’s appointment, or grocery shopping, or eventually, just to to go out for a walk and get fresh air, I found myself writing the same list of supplies over and over again. And in my insomniacal haze, I often screwed up! And it was time-consuming to keep figuring it out! One time we were out with EIGHT onesies and NO diapers. I suppose we could have fashioned a 5-onesie-diaper in the case of a blowout, but that was not ideal.
The bag packing confusion was further compounded by my husband trying to “help” pack the bag, so we’d both end up shoving the same things in there, and neglecting the same things. Honestly, imperfect packing wasn’t the end of the world. Nobody died, nobody got hurt. Maybe someone would get a peep show if I forgot the nursing cover, or we’d have to rush home with a poop-covered onesie if there wasn’t a fresh one, but the perfectionists in us were ashamed when we didn’t have exactly what we needed when we left the house.

So I started working out what the essentials were. What did I always forget? What did I need for myself? Would I change what I brought if it was raining? If we were going to a park? A friend’s house? The needs change, but the basics stay the same, yet, they somehow end up not making it into the bag when I need them. Working through the scenarios helped develop a regular working list so I could check it off and stop worrying. (Well, stop worrying about packing the bag at least.)
I tried it out myself and with a few friends, and now have lists available in my Etsy shop. These are awesome-blossom essentials that you’ll need for a full YEAR. Even though they transition through binkies, bottles, solids, shoes, teething, the list has you covered. I mean, who doesn’t want to be the most put-together, organized parent ever? You’ve got this In The Bag! You rock!
For my lovely blog readers, I’m offering 20% off your first purchase from my Etsy shop! Just enter code: BLOGLOVE at checkout!